
Traditional Cold Press Extraction


Natural Wild Honey has been delicately hand-gathered, by collectors who have ventured deep into the jungles of Asia in search of natural beehives. Healthy bees create honey from wildflowers native to their natural environment. Natural Wild Honey we cold filter our honey, ensuring that all beneficial live enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals are preserved, providing a fresh, healthy and unique poly-floral taste in every bottle. Natural Wild Honey is pure, raw and wild - just as Mother Nature intended.
纯天然野生蜂蜜的独特之处在于它是人工采集,这些天然蜂巢均由采蜜人深入亚洲丛林内部采集而来。纯天然野生蜂蜜是由健康的蜜蜂自土生野花中采集出来的。纯天然野生蜂蜜均是经过冷过滤的,一方面保证了蜂蜜中所含的活性酶,抗氧化物治质,维生素及矿物质等营养物质得以保存,另一方面也确保了每一瓶纯天然野生蜂蜜都是新鲜的,健康的并且带有独特的花香口感。纯天然野生蜂蜜是至纯的,野生的及未经任何加工的 ---- 一切取自于自然。