
honey jar

Raw vs. Pure vs. Organic Vs. Unfiltered: How to Read Your Honey

You’ve probably seen labels on honey jars that read “organic” or “pure” honey in the stores. You might even have spent a couple of minutes standing there, wondering if there was any difference between them. The simple answer is that there are differences in the benefits and nutrients.

But how do you know which honey has more benefits? Let us help you figure it out!

Wild Raw Honey

If you’ve seen a jar labeled “wild raw honey,” it is different from the farm bee honey. It means that it’s been bottled straight from the honeycomb. The bee hunter  only filters the honey to get rid of unwanted debris, pollens, and beeswax. Wild raw honey isn’t pasteurized or treated with any heat. This means that it hasn’t lost any of its antioxidant qualities, making it extremely beneficial.

Additionally, unpasteurized honey has chock-full of naturally-occurring enzymes and vitamins.

Pure Honey

If you read the label say “pure honey,” it means that you’re getting 100% natural honey without any additives. It’s clear and smooth in texture and doesn’t contain any sucrose or molasses.

It does, however, mean that your honey has been pasteurized to remove unwanted yeast, improve its appearance, and extend its shelf-life.

Organic Honey

Organic honey is made from the pollen of organically grown plants. They also come from a beehive miles away from an artificial chemical source and have no chemical miticides. This ensures that the honey is made from bees that didn’t have any contact with pesticides at all.

However, this doesn’t mean that this honey would be raw or minimally processed. It may have been pasteurized or heavily filtered.


Unfiltered Honey

You might think unfiltered honey and wild raw honey are the same thing—but they’re not. Unfiltered is harvested straight from the honeycomb and is minimally processed. Unfiltered honey can be heated, but it’s never above 35 degrees Celsius. Unfiltered honey has most of its nutrients and properties preserved.

There are many reasons to buy raw, wild honey due to its heal benefits. However, most vendors only claim to sell organic raw honey. So if you’re looking to buy from quality vendors, Natural Wild Honey is right up your alley! We provide the best organic honey in Singapore that’s 100% natural and chock-full of nutrients.

Check our inventory today.

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